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User: Arabella Mccarty



Hefei Haoxin is a leading ppe manufacturer in china. We have supplied industrial safety, janitorial, food service, food processing, and medical industries with quality PPE for many years. We produce and supply the finest quality, certified disposable coveralls, bouffant caps, face masks, lab coats, isolation gowns, CPE gowns, poly gloves, poly aprons, and reflective vests. Our workforce has expanded to 28000 square metres and supplies over 40*40'HQ containers every month. Professional international trade services, standardized management and strong quality control are provided by us. A disposable microporous coverall is a disposable work suit made of microporous film material. It's used for a wide range of applications, including medical and biological research. Disposable coveralls are typically made from multicrystalline cellulose (MCC) or polypropylene/polyethylene/polyester blend materials.

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